GB3ZY is now connected
to the South West
Area Network
for details click below.

GB3ZY and FH will be
isolated from the network during the 6m Net


The Bristol 2m Vertical Sideband Net is now up & running!

All welcome to join,
wherever you are, if you can hear us, call in.

Find the net on 144.340 @ 20.00hrs every Monday

The North Bristol Amateur Radio Club
has moved!

Meetings now 7pm every Friday at Page Hall,
Page Road, Staple Hill,
Bristol BS16 4NE

All Welcome

For more information


Repeater working normally.
Further updates posted here.

Speak to you all soon. G4FJH

Please support GB3ZY

We encourage all users of our Net
to support the GB3ZY repeater
by donating to their group.
You can donate here..

Suggested donation £10 - £20

100% of your contribution is retained by Matt for repair / work & development of his repeaters.


Currently "Net Active"
(Members | Non Members)
If shown in bold, heard
within last 6 months

Andy - 2E0IFG
John - 2E0KNJ
Harry - G0LHX
Dave - G4FJH
Roger - G4HZA
Steve - G4MCQ
John - G4WOD
Ken - G7LSR
Tony - G8CKK
Steve - G8JUT

Ken - M0KMI
Andy - M0LHC
Eddie - M0LJT
Paul - M0PRJ
Steve - M0VNP
Wilf - M0WLF
Dan - M1CNO
Mike - M1EPX
Steve - M6EVR
Norman - M7BBZ

Thank you for your support
List updated 08/01/25

Net members now Silent Key

Martin - G4OPQ - 2023

Complete the contact form Below

Join us as a Net Member now via
the simple contact form below.
There is no charge to join

Contact form

Select reason for contact

Can you access GB3ZY?

Your Call Sign

Your name

Your telephone number

Your email address

Your message

Your details will not be passed on to any third party individuals / organisations.

Useful Links

Offcom propose a requirement for us to comply with the ICNIRP general public (safe distance from antenna) limits. For some useful info. & calculators click here

Calculate how far GB3ZY and over 300 other UK repeaters are from your home QTH.

Just enter your QRA Locator as directed - click here
opens in new browser window - thanks to G0LFP for this utility)

Portishead Radio (GKA)

Just for fun, why not try the
"Worked all Bristol (Post)
Code" Challenge

There are 37 Bristol
Postcodes to work!

Download and print off your Bristol Postcode / Area checklist here

Suggested Basic Rules

1. 144-146mhz simplex contacts only (no repeaters)
2. Fixed stations only (mobile contacts do not count)

Let me know when you have
worked multiples of 5 codes.

Contact details on download



Bristol (& SW) 6m Repeater Net - Info & Objective

All licensed Radio Amateurs who are able to access
GB3ZY/GB3FH are welcome to
join our Net Group.

The Net is conducted every Thursday night from 20.05 hrs via
GB3ZY Repeater located just to the South of Bristol.

Our Famous Trinet* Social Gathering at..
Winter Stream Farm
Hambrook, Bristol
Tuesday 26th November 2024

A few snaps of the Winter Get Together

Those attending:



(click images to enlarge)

A great time was had by all!

Next Get Together is on Tuesday 24th June 2025!

Please remember to make a donation to Matt, G4RKY
to support his repeater group.

Photographs from G4FJH (Missed Norman M7BZZ apologies!)


* Trinet includes the 6 Meter Repeater, Porridge & 2M Vertical Sideband Nets

Our objective is quite simple..
To encourage 6m activity in Bristol and the surrounding area

This week's MC will be Dave, G4FJH (he will be monitoring the repeater on
Thursday evening from 20.00. "Early / Late call ins" always welcome.

Thank you to everyone who joined the last Net.
Hope to hear you all again on 6m soon.

N.B. The GB3FH Repeater Group are aware of and support the Net and its Objective.

Why use a repeater for the Net?

We are very fortunate in the Bristol area to have an excellent but much under used 6m repeater already established and available to us. The question should really be; why NOT use the repeater for the Net?

A key advantage of using the repeater for our net is that..


With some other nets this is not the case, meaning that there are sometimes long periods of silence for participants.

GB3ZY has an excellent coverage foot print. It offers users living in the more immediate Bristol area the means to communicate easily using lower power and / or compromise antenna systems, for example an FT817 using its own helical antenna. With a little more power and an outside antenna, stations from a much wider area, can gain access.

We anticipate and hope that our Net will act as a "spring-board" to increase activity generally on 6m. In line with this, If, during the Net, 2 or more people find they can hear each other on the repeater's input, they can, if desired, QSY to a simplex channel. We welcome this but ask that any QSY is to a 6m channel in line with the Net's Objective.

Suggested 6m freqs. for direct communication / testing etc.
51.530mhz (see below)  /  51.550mhz + 51.300mhz (repeater's input)
Get them in your rig's memory now.

51.530mhz is the QSY frequency if for any reason
the net cannot proceed via the repeater.

Guide to Net operation

The Net operates in the manner of a conventional multi-way QSO, it is not controlled from the "center" at each handover as with some other nets.

Participants need only remember the person THEY pass transmission on to. (The MC will keep a record of the correct order in case of memory lapses, signings etc..)

If a new station calls into the Net please let the MC take the next over to allow the running order to be revised.

Please wait for the second "pip" (or a second or two if pips not working) before you take your turn to transmit to allow other stations that may be waiting to call in to the Net.
(Normal practice on most repeaters)

NEW - ZY / FH link thru procedure
If you are working someone using the internet feed through from GB3FH you should leave an extra second or two AFTER the second pip as there is a notable delay / lag in the connection.


Now's there's a great time each week to put that new Icom 7300 (other rigs are available) to good use. Repeater set up info is available further down this page so find the "menu" button on your rig NOW and get programming.

Phantom Blippers!
Net members that hear this kind of activity should monitor the repeater input (51.3mhz) to see if the offender can be heard direct from their location. If so let us know via the contact form giving time and strength of offender's signal. Your details will be kept confidential. Information provided will be passed to repeater keeper and further steps will then be taken to identify and report such offenders.  Remember it is important that no direct response, reference or reply to the offender is made on the air as this will only gratify & encourage them.

Your Net needs YOU!

Members are asked promote the Net simply by mentioning our web page during their other QSOs during the week. This page can be found listed on Google #1 by searching for "bristol repeater net" or simply "GB3ZY net".

Any Member who wishes to be the Net's Master of Ceremonies for one week (or more) should contact Dave, G4FJH.

The GB3ZY Repeater

Repeater Keeper: Matt Beasant, G4RKY

Located on Dundry Hill, the aerial is mounted approx 25m AGL on the East facing leg of the mast facing along the top of Dundry Hill.

Repeater TX: 50.800MHz
Repeater RX: 51.300MHz
CTCSS:          77Hz
Output:           20W+ (at base of feeder)
Timeout:         Very long (to accommodate RSGB News broadcasts when implemented)
Deviation:       Narrow (advisory)
QTHR:            IO81QJ
NGR:               ST554667
Lat/Long:        51.398024 / -2.641757

Matt (GB3ZY's Keeper) will be made aware of any reported issues.
Thank you for your efforts Matt

Pictures of GB3ZY Taken by Matt 11th Jan 2017 (click to enlarge)

Connectivity Information Links

Sortable UK Repeater list with IRLP and Echolink codes

GB3ZY is linked to GB3FH and shares its online connectivity.

Information supplied by GB3FH Repeater Group

DTMF Codes:

Find out how strong your signal is into the repeater:
During your transmission press [0] [9] then let the repeater drop out. It will automatically restart transmission and give an audio announcement of your received signal strength.

Find out what your signal sounds like on the repeater:
During your transmission press [5] [9] then drop your signal. You will hear an audio announcement that the repeater is ready to record your signal. If you then transmit with some audio and drop carrier, the repeater will play back the audio you provided.

6m (50mhz) abridged information

50.500-52.000MHz All Modes

This area of the Six Metre band is allocated to any mode with a maximum bandwidth up to 12.5kHz and is where you can find a mixture of:

  • FM simplex and repeater channels
  • Telephony and digital modes
  • Packet radio
  • Internet voice gateways
  • Automatic packet reporting systems (APRS)
  • Facsimile (fax)
  • Radio-teletype (RTTY)
  • Slow-scan television (SSTV)

Within the UK a total of 16 FM repeater channels spaced 10kHz apart have been allocated. The input frequencies lie between 51.220 – 51.370MHz with the outputs shifted 500 kHz lower between 50.720 – 50.870MHz.

Further up the band you will find a total of 10 FM telephony simplex channels. These lie between 51.410 - 51.590MHz, each spaced 20 kHz apart. The centre frequency 51.510MHz is designated as the FM calling frequency.

Information supplied by the RSGB


Background image: view from East Dundry Hill looking towards the North East
Site relevant: Bristol 6m Repeater Net | Bristol GB3ZY Repeater Net | Bristol UK