Welcome to the
St Mary Redcliffe Boys'
your comments / memories,
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- If you have any other pre. 1970
images, memories, stories or other historical information relating to St Mary Redcliffe Boys'
School that could be displayed on this page (with a credit to you of course)
please commit them to an email now and .
radical_solutions (at) hotmail (dot)
School frontage taken from Redcliffe
Parade (3rd May 1906)
Photographs of other parts of the school are quite rare as it was
from view by surrounding buildings.
The school buildings shown below were finally
demolished in 1970 after
& staff had moved to the new school site in Somerset Square
in 1967.
View of boys' School, playground & surrounds circa 1955.
Taken from
Church tower over the Lead Shot Tower roof.
Key: A Parish Rooms | B Bristol
General Hospital | C Tickling Bench
D Roof of Mervyn
King Hall (b. 1939) | E TA Drill Hall
(dem 1988) | F Shot Tower
G Redcliffe Parade
entrance | H Original
(pre. 1906) main school buildings
K 1906
school extension | M
Main 1929 classroom extension
Smaller 1929 classroom extension | P Woodwork
rooms (b.1939)
R The Old
Armchair off licence (our "tuck shop")
4 area map segments sourced from Know
Your Place
Maps shown are circa's 1850 / 1930 / 1949
/ 1980
Short History
Queen Elizabeth's Free Grammar and Writing School was first founded by Royal Charter in 1571. The first building measured approx 56' by 26' and was located in the Churchyard of St Mary Redcliffe, near the south porch. The school has moved to various sites throughout its long existence.
Redcliff Endowed Schools (girls and boys) were founded under a scheme of the Charity Commissioners in 1856. It was built on land owned by the Church previously used by the adjacent (first) Vicarage as an orchard. An upper department was added in 1877, The upper dept. provided "higher instruction" with a fee of 6d a week. The girls moved out & the school's name changed in 1879 to Redcliff Endowed Boys' School.
The school was located on the opposite side of Redcliffe Hill from the church, in an area bounded by Redcliffe Hill, Redcliffe Parade, Jubilee Street and Guinea Street. It utilised a mixture of several individual buildings of varying age and styles. Notable alterations and extensions were undertaken in 1887,1906 (the 50 Year Jubilee), 1928 & 1938.
In 1947? the boys' school changed its name to St Mary Redcliffe Secondary School. The School finally merged with Temple Colston Girls' School in 1967, creating the co-educational St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School as a comprehensive, voluntary aided school.
Class photo from 1888 - Headmaster J T Francombe shown left
Circled pupil thought to be Charles Pringle Grierson. Enlisted WW1
in the
11th batt Lancashire reg. in the ranks and worked his way up to be
an officer.
Cerificates of Merit from 1880/90's
A "Certificate of Character" was
provided as a reference for employment
below to see 3 examples from 1926, 1930 and 1950
Click above images to enlarge
Prizes in the form of books were often awarded,
examples from the 1950's shown below.
Click each image to see the award certificate
in each book
Thanks and a belated well done to David Tolhurst.
The main school entrances were from Redcliffe Parade through a fairly small, I always felt imposing, door then via a cloakroom area up some dark enclosed stairs directly into the main school building. The other via Jubilee Place adjacent to the TA Drill Hall (Jubilee Hall) directly into the playground.
Plaque that was above the school entrance in Redcliffe Parade
Just a theory - Arrangement of the wording into the 2 panels shown above is strange. There were 2 sets of cloakrooms inside the door, I suspect that the original plaque may have read "Redcliff Boys" on the left side, "Redcliffe Girls" on the right. The right side of the plaque would possibly have been changed some time after 1879 when the girls moved. (it took 90 years to get them back! - worth the wait? well I thought so.)
On leaving school and heading down Redcliffe Parade
could look
up to see the "twin towers", sadly only
one now remains.
There was also small alleyway entrance between the shops on Redcliffe Hill but this was strictly for teachers and prefects, any other boy caught using this entrance earned himself a detention. The Redcliffe Hill alleyway entrance to the playground seems odd but was built as a trade off when the first Vicarage (b 1701) with its wide entrance to Redcliffe Hill were lost when the rail tunnel was built in 1868.
School frontage taken from a work room atop the Shot Tower
(pic. extracted from a video displayed further down
this page)
A view from Queen's Square over bascule bridge showing Church
/ Shot
Towers and frontage (part) of School on Redcliffe Parade extreme
Aerial view around 1930 - Shot Tower top left.
This was before
new school buildings & playground replaced the
Vicarage, its gardens
and a whole row of terraced houses in 1938/9.
Note the rail tunnel
exit to docks just visible
in bottom right corner, the tunnel went
right under the playground
and I never knew!
Aerial view 1934 showing the rear of the school with
1906 (green) /
1929 (red) extensions indicated by arrows.
Shot Tower
top, Vicarage
center, Parish Rooms bottom right.
click image for
magnified view of school
The School made creative use of serveral off-site facilities to enhance the education of pupils, these included Broad Weir Swimming Baths, the TA Training Hall (PE) in Jubilee Place, the Day Industrial School (metalwork) in Temple Back and of course the Parish Rooms (French and other subjects), just across the playground.
Aerial View of school taken from the south east
in 1946
(Redcliffe Hill traffic jams bottom left)
Note Single storey shops on RH bottom left (entrance
to playground just
left of the left
most awning, better view of the Mervyn
King Hall (with damage)
Aerial view 1950 taken from over Bristol General
Shot Tower is top center, Parish Rooms lower right side
Note the nice new roof on the Mervyn King
Hall, repair works were
in progress in playground, the repairs
were completed in 1951.
Similar view to above taken in 1970 - Desolation!
TA Training Hall can be seen to far left of cleared
the hall was on upper level of the building
Cover of rare 1956 Booklet, purchased in a bric-a-brac
market for £2 by my
wife, it contains unique content, some of which, is shown
on this page.
The Booklet also documents the Queen's visit
in 1956,
conducted as part of the centenary celebrations.
2 example pages scanned from Booklet
School Tie pre 1966 | School Tie years 1 & 2
1966 on |
School Tie years 3+ 1966 on | Senior Scarf | 1960 Blazer Badge
The above are a little moth eaten and tired, just
like their owner.
The year 1 & 2 scarf had a similar
design to the tie shown,
mine probably ended up around "Frosty's"
Pre war building additions and re-organisation
In 1928 the Vicar of SMR appealed for £7000 to build extension classrooms. Old boys, friends and scolars were quick to respond. Alderman Gilbert James erected a new wing in memory of his father, Sir E B James who had been a school manager for many years and a staunch Redcliffian. The final bill for the works was £8000.
Some pictures of plan from 1928 for the extension classrooms
A plaque was placed on the wall of the main extension which read..
wing was erected by his family in memory of
Sir Edward Burnet
A manager of this school and a friend of all Redcliffe
In 1937 Redcliffe Schools were re-organised. The boys under 11 years were separated from the older boys and joined with the girls under 11 years in a mixed primary school located in Ship Lane. The senior girls were taken out of Ship Lane and absorbed into Temple Colston School.
This re-organisation meant that Redcliffe Schools were responsible for boys throughout their school life and girls (at Ship Lane only) from 5 - 11 years. (and I thought the move in 1967 was complicated!)
In 1938 members of the Colston (Parent) Society were concerned about the need for further extensions and improvements to school facilities. In particular, it was felt essential to provide a large playground, two large woodwork rooms and an assembly hall / modern gymnasium.
The Vicarage, its gardens and a row of terraced houses were leveled to make room for the new development.
Mr Foster G. Robinson was then President of the Society and, inspired by Mr. Mervyn King, undertook to be responsible to raise the £16,000 required to fund the new works.
One of the bombs from that raid fell in the playground, the photograph below shows interested parties standing about the bomb crater. The rear of the Mervyn King gym hall, woodwork and store room show the damage severity. When bombed, the gym had only just been completed and had still never been used.
Mr Fryer was the Headmaster (4th from right) Also in the photograph
is Mrs Florence Brown
a councillor who later became Lord Mayor (1963).
The teacher (3rd from the right) was called Mr
A week or so after the bombing, when the building was being made safe, a school cap was found sitting on the top of a chimney completely undamaged. Was this divine intervention or more likely a dangerous schoolboy prank? The crater became a draw for the boys but they needed to be careful, you got the cane if you were caught climbing over the wooden picket fence that surrounded it to get your ball back. The crater was finally filled in when the hall was restored in 1951.
Bristol Guard Home D Company
(Taken late
war? - well armed / dressed)
Photo taken in school playground in front of the
1929 main extension.
Note the Shot and Church towers to rear.
Some bomb damaged
windows can be clearly seen on the enlargement.
team photo further down this page was taken in similar position)
Aerial View of school taken from the south in
(Redcliffe Parade runs along the very top)
Note Bomb damage to Mervyn King Hall's roof, 1906
extension to
left of main building, 1929 extension built in front
of main building
Redcliffe Primary School Ship Lane - Blitzed!
Compared to the primary school we got off lightly!
The playground was built mainly on the site of the
was demolished in 1938/39
View looking across the playground from the west July
cranes constructing the flats on opposite side of Redcliffe
and "gothic style" archway leading to the playground
originally the Vicarage exit, on to Redcliffe Hill)
On the east side the playground went almost to the back of the shops on Redcliffe Hill, the playground was enclosed there by a fifteen foot high brick wall. (this would have probably originally formed part of the old Vicarage's garden boundary)
View looking across the playground from the south July
Mervyn King Hall on left and 1929 extension classrooms center)
Some "inhabitants" of the playground
Aerial view (1946) of school taken from the south.
Shows playground exit to Jubilee Place (far left)
+ bomb
crater and damage to the Mervyn
King Hall. Rare glimpse
of Woodwork and Art classrooms to the
left of the crater
"Old Armchair"
tuck shop location shown by arrow.
On the north side the playground backed
up to the main school buildings, mainly the newer woodwork/art classrooms
and Mervyn King Hall. To the west the playground backed mainly onto
a small garage/repair shop in Jubilee Place.
Aerial view 1947 - Parish Rooms buildings prominent top left,
Shot Tower
bottom left.
image to visit the Britain From Above web site
Note bomb damage still visible on roof of Mervyn
King Hall.
The roof was repaired in 1951.
View from Church Tower in the early 1960's
Note activity around the "tickling bench"?
The great playground wall mystery
This was believed to be part of the original Vicarage's
fireplace that was
built into the new Vicarage's garden wall
which then became
one of our playground's walls.
It bore the date 1646 but the
original vicarage was built
in 1701 so it remains a mystery.
I don't remember on which wall
it was located,
can anybody help?
Image sourced from Flickr - credit Andy
Another mystery, what is this?
Note netball ring just visible by school building
What was the low level rectangular structure (marked
by arrow) sticking out into
the playground? It appears on many pictures / maps of the area after
circa 1850.
I think it must have been for ventilation / light to rail tunnel
which ran directly under??
Where would this structure have been today?
Answer = Yellow shaded area on above image.
is estimated from an overlay of a 1947 OS map and a
contemporary aerial photo of the hotel complex that now stands)
The new hotel was built almost perfectly (90% avoidance) around it, virtually the complete structure footprint is within a tar-mac car park, nothing has been built on it which supports my theory of it being a rail tunnel lighting / ventilation shaft.
To the south The Redcliffe Parish Rooms formed most of the playground's boundary, they were directly accessible from the playground.
Redcliffe Parish Rooms - Frontage on Guinea Street shown.
Rear of building backed on to school playground used by
school for dining facilities and
additional classroom space
(I remember "learning"
French there with Mrs Freeman)
Rare photo view of Parish Rooms Taken though
bomb damage gap
in Guinea Street from Bedminster Bridge circa
The Redcliffe Boys' School used the Motto "Punctuality,
Perseverance, Practice, Prayer",
known as the 4 P's
Introduced by J
T Francombe MA Headmaster 1872 - 1909.
Motto was displayed on the Mervyn King Gym Hall's wall but in a different order and less flowery typeface. Practice and Perseverance apply well to netball and most sports, the other two quite possibly. (pic taken just before Hall's demolition in 1970)
The above plaque was retained at the new school
not sure if it is still displayed?
Other mottos used through the years include Gloria In Exelcis Deo (Glory be to God on High), Floreat Redcliffe (Let Redcliffe Flourish). Mottos in the modern era (after 1970) Steadfast in Faith and A Christian Community Committed To Excellence.
J Woodcock Headmaster 1856 - 1870
T Randell M.A. D.D. Headmaster 1870 - 1872
Vicar of Ryton-on-Tyne and Principal of the
College of the Venerable
Bede, Dyrham)
James Thomas Francombe M.A. Headmaster 1872 - 1909
Mr Francombe (1843-1924) lived at 22 Somerset Square and always came to school wearing a top hat, frock coat and kid gloves. A collection was made on his retirement on the 19th November 1909, it totaled £1,000.
JTF stood for Parliament in the General Election of 1910, he lost to Sir W H Davies by 138 votes, not dis-heartened he went on to become Lord Mayor (1919) and Chief Magistrate of Bristol. Read more - click here
J J Clibbens Headmaster 1909 - 1924
G Holgate M.A. B.Sc. Headmaster 1924 -1934
Deputy Director of Education Blackburn
and Director of Education
Ralf R Fryer F.R.G.S. Headmaster 1934 - 1954
Lowes M.A. - Headmaster 1955 - 1967*
(* this school closed, Stan took over
as Head at the new school)
For a
complete list of School staff in 1956 - click here
For a list of full time School staff in 1967 - click here
Further Staff listing, obtained from many sources (ongoing project)
Teacher name |
Nickname |
Subject |
Year(s) |
Mr Davies |
Dai Davies |
6th Form Tutor? |
1948 - 1968? |
Mrs Fletcher |
Fanny |
Dept. Head? |
1968 - ? |
Mr Wakeford |
? |
1948 - ? |
Mr Turner |
? |
1948 - ? |
Mr H O Grant |
Oggy |
RE |
1957 - 1965? |
(Chatterton Housemaster - Green) |
Mr Wyn Davies |
? |
1948 - ? |
Mr L Davies |
1956 - ? |
(Colston Housemaster - Red) |
Mr R Williams |
? |
1948 - ? |
(Proctor Housemaster - Blue) |
Peter Atmer |
Languages |
1965 - ? |
Mr Jeffries |
Jake |
? |
1957 - 1970? |
Neville Boundy (Curate) |
RE |
1968 - ? |
Mr Codrington |
Coddy |
English |
? |
Mr Caswell |
English |
1965 - ? |
Mr M Roe |
Joe |
1956 - ? |
Rev Cyril Edwards |
RE |
1965 - ? |
Scrutch Schurch |
Physics |
1970 - 1971 |
(Taught briefly, then he left for a posting on Tristan da Cunha) |
Mr Stevens |
History |
? |
Mr Phillips |
Noddy |
Art |
1965 - ? |
Mr F N Vaughan |
Fred |
? |
1948 - 1965 |
(Canynges Housemaster - Yellow) |
Peter Fowler |
Music |
1957 - 1970? |
Mr Ferguson |
Engineering |
1965 - ? |
Mr Dando |
Geography |
Col. E W Tuite Dalton |
French / History |
1967 - ?? |
Mr Dash |
Ben |
Geography |
1957 - 1970? |
Mr Jones |
Chemistry |
1968 - ? |
Mr Wilcox |
Chemistry |
1957 - ? |
Ms J Gwyn Williams |
Maths |
1967 - ?? |
Mr Lawrence |
Sport |
1965 - ? |
Burt John |
Sport |
1965 - ? |
(Canynges Housemaster - Yellow) |
Mr Jordon |
Joe |
Woodwork |
1957 - ? |
Mr Ball |
Benny |
Woodwork |
1957 - 1970? |
(Francombe Housemaster - Green) |
Mr Morgan |
Moggy |
TD |
1957 - 1970? |
Dr Glasgow |
Biology |
1967 - ?? |
Michael Rosenberg |
Science |
Mrs Coulson |
Biology |
1965 - ? |
Part time staff |
Mrs Freeman BA |
French / Spanish |
1967 - ?? |
Mr J H Adams |
Art |
1967 - ?? |
Mr G Andrews |
Spanish |
1967 - ?? |
Mrs D A Hill |
Music |
1967 - ?? |
Revd. F H J Hurford |
English / RE |
1967 - ?? |
Mr C J Wilding |
History |
1967 - ?? |
Mr L I Young |
German |
1967 - ?? |
The 4 school "house" names
refer to notable civic dignitaries,
Rev. Cyril Edwards (I remember his saying "fail twit!" - I didn't)
Send me more teacher's names / details
to add to the list or |
School Prefects and their 2 "commanding officers" in 1964
Rome, 1960 Departing from Temple Meads
School Choir circa 1964, Peter Fowler in the centre.
Info on Peter Fowler / School Choir from around the early
download here (txt file)
With thanks to Vivian Jenkins.
Winners of Bristol schools rugby championship in 1905
Ashley Down)
2 of these boys, F.Hill and F.Hockey played rugby for England
schools in 1906.
Headmaster J T Francombe far left
Rugby - Cup Winners & Champions of "A" Division 1913-14
Headmaster J J Clibbens far left
Cricket team 1914
Headmaster J J Clibbens? far left
Swimming Team 1946
back row R
R Fryer F.R.G.S. Headmaster
Ronnie Collins - Boxer 1955
Junior Rugby Team 1955 - 1956
left - Stanley Lowes
Bristol School's Championship Cricket Team 1955
taken in playground - (Stanley Lowes left / back)
Note the Church
& Shot Towers visible in the background
Bristol Schools u15 Cup Winners Easter 1961 Memorial Ground
Left to right Alan Harris, Gordon Hill (aka Rocky), Tony Silverthorne,
Pete Smith, Bernard Moon, Philip Fear, David Windmill,
Robert Furber, Hickeram Huque, ? Price, behind him obscured
David Edge,
Philip Harris, David Bolton, and Ronnie Downes.
Queen's visit to site of original Grammer School
School's Royal Charter 1571 as inspected by the Queen
The Old Armchair (our "Tuck Shop") June 1939
Small shop and off licence at the junction of
Jubilee Place and
Guinea Street. Still open in the mid 60s. Lots
of unhealthy goodies
for just a few pennies 50 yds or so
from playground's entrance, just
past the van (bottom right)
and across the road, very convenient!
Was originally a Public House, between
1863 - 74, the landlord was
Samuel Webb who also made a crust
as a chair maker.
Pictures can be found on the Paul Townsend "Redcliffe" page
Mouseover to see how this part of Redcliffe Hill
looks now.
To the south of Redcliffe Parade (top and bottom left pictures) the Mercure Hotel now occupies pretty much the whole of the old school site. On the south side of RP the interesting, historic Shot Tower and Ship Inn have been replaced by the box-like Colloseum public house (prev. The Merchant Venturer). Pic. 3 (new) shows the side of the Mercure in RP which now replaces the old school main entrance (see Jubilee Enlargement Brochure cover pic on this page)
Video has brief view of School taken from top of Shot Tower
A sad sight - the school building just before demolition in 1970
Inscription on closest / center wall reads "ENLARGED
(1906), the one on the furthest
wall "St Mary Redcliff Endowed Schools"
For a slideshow of more pictures from this sad time - click here
- If you have any other pre. 1970
images, memories, stories or other historical information relating to St Mary Redcliffe Boys'
School that could be displayed on this page (with a credit to you of course)
please commit them to an email now and .
radical_solutions (at) hotmail (dot)
posted by Dave Powell, Roll 393, attended
between 1965 & 1970, Francombe House
Greetings to anyone who knew or taught
me in those, now distant, days.
to Geoff Duck (Roll 481), Martin Wallis, Simon Hine, Stuart Donadel, Brian?,
Patrick Casey, Bernard Moon,
David Nelson, Mike Warren, Phil Darby
Robert Dyer, Avice Marshall and John Scully for info received